If you need to send your Qualtrics survey to your supervisor/users, follow the instructions in section 1a only. If you are completing final submission, go through sections 1b-3.
1a. Get a link for sharing
To locate this, go to your survey in Qualtrics and choose the ‘distribution’ option. Go to the ‘anonymous link’ option and copy the link that you find here . This is the link to share with your participants and also to add to your cover page . Make sure that you don’t close your survey after you have finished collecting submissions, otherwise it will not be accessible to your marker.
Expand this section for instructions on getting a shareable link for your supervisor/users.
1b. Get a link for final submission
When it came to collecting responses to your Qualtrics survey, you will have either:
- Released the link to the survey as the entry point to your resource, and additional resources are contained within it (e.g. a video).
- Linked to or embedded your survey in another software (e.g. contained within a Softchalk lesson)
Your next step depends on which of the above methods you have used.
My survey is the main entry point to my resource(s)
In this case, you need to submit the link to your form (and anything inside of the form e.g. a video) for marking. You will need to copy the participant link/web address/URL of your form and put this onto your cover page. You should already know what this is, but if you are unsure, return to section 1a of this guide.
You also need to export your surveys so that they can be upload to the upload space and then accessed after it has closed.
To do this, go to your survey, select ‘tools’ from the banner and then ‘import/export’. Choose ‘export survey to word’ and then ‘export’. This will download a Word document containing an overview of your survey. Upload this to the hosting site.

My survey(s) are linked inside other software
Providing the link to your survey remains live after submission, you do not need to do anything more. You may wish to put the direct link to the survey on your cover page so your markers can easily access it.
Remember to go through the submission instructions of your main software – return to the home page of this guide.
Expand this section for instructions to submit your Qualtrics resources and get a link for your cover page.
2. Create and submit your cover page
If you are submitting ANY resources as part of your final submission (e.g. an eLearning resource, media resource, videos, paper resource, lesson plans, etc) then you need to create a cover page. This is how you present your work to your markers. If you don’t have a cover page, they will not be able to see your resources.
DO NOT LEAVE THIS TO THE LAST MINUTE. eLearning check all cover page links for any issues. If there is a problem, it may take a couple of days to fix. It is strongly advised that you aim to submit your cover page sometime during the week before the final deadline. eLearning will hold upload sessions to help you with this.
Download and fill in the cover page template
- Go to the Blackboard course and navigate to Assessment/Submissions > Uploading Resources for Hosting or Final Submission section.
- Download the SCP_Cover_Page.docx from ‘Step 1: Submitting Additional Files’
- Add your username to the end of the file name and make sure any spaces are replaced with underscores, e.g. SCP_Cover_Page_mfbx9alp.docx
- Open the file and fill in all sections. When you are adding your description and links, make sure you add any access instructions e.g. best viewed on Google Chrome, designed to be viewed on an iPad, etc.

- Once finished, save the cover page as a PDF file with the same name, e.g. SCP_Cover_Page_mfbx9alp.pdf
See this help page if you have any issues converting to PDF.
Upload to our eLearning site
- Click on the button below to log in to the file upload page with your university account
- Once logged in, you will see the file upload area
- Drag and drop your PDF into the upload box
- When it has uploaded, right click on the file and choose ‘get info and share’
- Click the link to the file (NOT share) and your cover page will open in a new tab

- Copy the URL and paste it somewhere that you can save and find later (e.g. email it to yourself or save in a word document). Use this link to test that your cover page and all resource links on it work as expected.

- This is the link that you use for your final submission of your resources. NOTE – if your link does not start with https://elearning.bmh.manchester.ac.uk/scp/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/wp-file-manager-pro/users/ then something has gone wrong, take another look at the instructions above or come to a workshop for help.
- Fill in the google form located in the Blackboard course in Assessments/Submission > Final Report Submission > Step 2: PLEASE COMPLETE: Project title/Resource Link/Student info BIOL31220/31320
ALL project types fill this in, so you will be asked towards the end of the form whether you need to submit a link to your cover page. If you select ‘Yes’ there will be a box to paste your link.
You will not get an email receipt for this submission. eLearning check all cover page links and you will be contacted individually if there is a problem. If you don’t hear from us, that is a good sign!
Once you have submitted this form, you will need to upload your ‘build files’ and copyright information. See the next section for instructions.
Expand this section for instructions on how to create your cover page and obtain a link for final submission. You do not need to create a cover page to send your work to your supervisor or to collect data.
3. Build files and copyright information
The last thing you need to upload to our eLearning site are your build files and copyright information. We need these to investigate if there is a problem with your resource during marking, or if your supervisor would like to re-use your resources later.
Create a new folder on your computer called ‘Build Files’ and add the following information, A and B. Once you have gathered the files together you will need to upload the whole folder to our file upload site. All instructions are detailed below.
A) Copies of anything you have created yourself
This could be images you’ve created on your computer, photographs you have taken, videos you’ve produced, audio files you’ve recorded, animation files prior to export, H5P files from Lumi, etc. The important thing about these is that they are original works and are not available elsewhere. This means we need a copy of them. You can upload these in their original format (such as .png image, a .mp4 video file, a .h5p Lumi file). Please give the files a meaningful name to make identifying them easier if possible.
Note for iSpring users: If you have created an iSpring resource, your build files should also include a copy of your powerpoint presentation and associated folder.
B) A list of items you found online
E.g. images from a stock library, a video from social media, etc. You do not need to upload a copy of these files as they will be available elsewhere, but you do need to tell us where you found them. One of the simplest ways to accomplish this is to create a three column spreadsheet:
- Column 1: Item details
Identify the item clearly. This could be the figure number, or a more descriptive identifier (“the video on slide 3” for example). - Column 2: Link
Paste a link to where you found it. This should be the original source, not just a google image search result. In some cases you may not need a link (for example, motifolio images taken from the Blackboard site, or stock images provided in powerpoint and Moovly). In these cases, note that they are stock images from a specific piece of software or provided through the Blackboard course. - Column 3: Copyright status
State the copyright status of the item. You should have already been aware of this when choosing to use it in your resource, e.g. public domain, a specified CC license, or note that the item is copyrighted and you have permission to use it from the owner.
Please note that references in your report or in your resource itself are not sufficient for this second part, as these will not usually include the copyright status of an item. A separate spreadsheet as described above is required.
Upload your folder to our eLearning site
- Put your files from section A and your spreadsheet from section B into a folder on your computer called ‘Build Files’
- Compress this folder into a .zip file
On windows – right click the folder and choose send to > compressed folder
On a mac – right click the folder and choose compress - You should end up with a .zip file called ‘Build Files’

- Click on the button below to log in to the file upload page with your university account
- Once logged in, you will see the file upload area
- Drag and drop your .zip file into the upload box. If you have a lot of files, this may take a little time.
- Once it has finished uploading, you are done.
Expand this section for instructions on uploading your build files and copyright information.