
This training is designed to introduce to you the “Adaptive Release” tools in Blackboard. These tools enable you to release content under certain conditions, for example: by date, by person, by group of people or by mark obtained.

Adaptive release settings can be a powerful tool when used well, for example, you can:

  • Choose to set up Adaptive Release conditions prior to a course being available to students, so that your course runs semi-automatically throughout the year.
  • Enable a small group of students to see additional material (for example, DASS registered students).
  • Set up content to release only when a student completes a test to a specific mark (e.g. achieve 70% on practice test and assessment will appear).
  • Combine different types of adaptive release tools to personalise the learning.
  • Administrate a course with different rules applying to different cohorts.

Starting Point and Learning Outcomes

Before you start the training, you should:

  • Have access to Blackboard and know how to enter a course.
  • Be enrolled on a Blackboard course in which you can practice or have a “sandpit” in which you can work.
  • Be able to create content in Blackboard.

If you need training in any of these areas, please take a look at our Basic Blackboard Training Pages for more information.

By the end of this training, you should be able to:

  • Add single adaptive release rules to content (e.g. Date or Mark or Person)
  • Combine single adaptive release rules on content (e.g. Date and Mark)
  • Combine multiple adaptive release rules on content (e.g. (Date A and Group A) OR (Date B and Group B))

Other relevant training and information:

If you will be releasing content based on a group of users (e.g. DASS Registered Students, a Working Group or a Tutorial group), then you should also see our groups training.

Post Training Support

For help with advice on how to apply adaptive release, come and ask someone on our chat service between 10am – 12pm and 2–4pm daily.

Before you start with adaptive release settings, you should know:

  • When setting Adaptive Release Rules based on users, you must already have your users enrolled into the course before starting.
  • When setting up Adaptive Release based on Dates, you will not be able to test these settings out unless the dates permit it. It may be wise to complete some adaptive release in 2 stages, first adding the criteria and testing them, then returning later to add dates.


Adaptive release settings are used to release content to users under certain conditions. They are broadly separated into three categories: When? Who? and What Mark?

  • When: “Date” (when does it open? when does it close?)
  • Who: “Membership” (one person only? Several people? A pre-set group of people?)
  • What Mark: “Grade” (do the students need to complete work before this item opens?)

These tools can be used individually or combined together as “rules” using Blackboard’s “Adaptive Release” tool, or you can upgrade your “rules” and use multiple “rules” on one item. For example:

One individual rule:

“John Doe can see this content”

Two rules combined:

“John Doe can see this content between 10am and 12pm on X date”

Multiple rules combined:

“[John Doe can see this content between 10am and 12pm on X date]


[Jane Doe can see this content between 2pm and 4pm on Y date]”

When setting out rules in your own courses, you will need to have all content and students (or unpopulated groups) in Blackboard before you start. For example, if you are releasing a piece of content based on the completion of a test, you cannot add your “rule” until after you have created your test in Blackboard.

Adaptive Release: Adding Basic Rules to Content

Top Tip: See how to release content from our Video Service to students in Blackboard on a specific date.

Adaptive Release of Multiple Pieces of Content through Folders (please see previous video before starting)

Adaptive Release Advanced: Different Rules for Different Circumstances

User Progress: Can x Student see the content?