In preparation for the delivery of Semester 2 examinations, we have gathered several useful resources that will aid your preparation for the exam period.

Accessing support

Every course on Blackboard has a link in the left-hand menu entitled ‘Support for Staff’ (this link is viewable to staff only). Following this will take you directly to the FBMH eLearning team’s website, where you can access a wealth of training material and useful guides. If you are unable to find the information you require in the menu, use the search function found at the top of the page.

The team also runs a live chat service for quick queries (available every day from 10–12pm and 2–4pm). More complex queries can be sent via the usual route of the support portal.

Email templates: Exam guidance

Our assessments team have put together two email templates for you to use when communicating with students before exams. The information contained will help students prepare properly for the exam and can be used to ensure students have access to the right information, and importantly, know where to find exam materials. The staff guidance file provides instructions on how to use the templates, as well as other key information regarding the support available from the team during the exam season.

The templates can be downloaded and then edited as required from the links below:


Includes set-up guides, marking guides, and plagiarism and originality checking guides.

Marking on Blackboard

Blackboard Grade Centre training covers:

Planning your assessments

This material is more relevant for academic staff and includes guidance on how to effectively plan assessments.

Quick Checks: Assessment Checklist

Groups in Blackboard

Learn how to use Blackboard’s group settings for student collaboration, administrative purposes or to personalise the Blackboard view for different students.

BB Groups for Collaboration, Group work and Administration
Creating Groups and Group Sets

Blackboard Tests

Blackboard tests are one way in which students can be assessed. The training below will teach you how to build both summative and formative tests in Blackboard, and how to utilise question pools.

Summative and Formative Tests in Blackboard
Utilising the Student Preview Option

Blackboard Assignments and SafeAssign

Blackboard contains its own Assignments tool that enables students to submit work that can then be checked for plagiarism (using SafeAssign) and marked online. Once marking is complete, marks and feedback are released to the students automatically, at a given time.

Blackboard Assignments (including Video Assignments)

Preparing for Delivery of Semester 2 Assessments – Useful Materials