Discussion videos could be between two knowledgeable people, one interviewee and an interviewer, or simple a chat between colleagues about an interesting topic.

Quick methods and Pro production methods are described below.


Using Zoom to record two webcams with audio, uploading and sharing using the Video Portal. This method gives you the option of editing a transcript on the Zoom website (cloud recordings only).


Follow the Basics guide to set your scene, lighting and other considerations first, then:

  1. Using Zoom, set the view to Gallery (top right of the video window).
  2. (Optional – local recordings only) Record separate audio for each participant.
  3. Use the desktop Zoom client and record the discussion to either your hard drive or to the cloud.
  4. If using the cloud (required for auto transcripts), download the resulting recording and transcript from your account, under ‘Recordings’ in the website zoom.us.
  5. Upload your video (and if applicable the .vtt transcript file) to the Video Portal and embed into your course.

Detailed instructions

Gallery view, activated by the button on the top right of the video window.

Gallery view, activated by the button on the top right of the video window.

Recording separate audio tracks for each participant (local recordings only)
This gives you greater control when editing, mostly for advanced users.

How to record a Zoom meeting

Audio and video quality depends on your internet connection, so try to use an ethernet cable and turn Wi-Fi off.

The main advantages of this approach are having a familiar application to work with and the editable audio transcript from cloud recordings, where local Zoom recordings will give you separate audio tracks for each person.


Use Zoom auto-captioning for editable captions / transcripts
Check, edit and download the transcript on Zoom.us, and upload the .vtt file to the Video Portal alongside the video (under advanced options).

Enable this before recording.

Edit in ShotCut
Add logos, text overlays or welcome slides – before uploading to the Video Portal.

Pro Quality

The Media Services team offers a service where they will record you in their studio. They will take care of editing and any extra inserts (text, graphics, or images) to produce the final product for you.

Still from a video produced by the University's Media Service

There may be charges associated with this service.
Media Services