Here you will find information on a number of key University systems, plus links to guides and training on the tools specifically supported by the FBMH eLearning team.

Software Decision Tree

If you know your end goal but aren’t sure of the best tool to use, why not take a look at our bespoke Software Decision Tree?

Tools categorised by task

As some tools cover more than one pedagogic requirement, we have categorised them on the primary method of use within this Faculty.

Assessment and Feedback

Blackboard logo

Blackboard is the Central Learning Environment currently used across the University.

Blackboard has its own Assignment tool that allows electronic assignment submission, collection and grading. Work can also be checked for plagiarism. It is useful for when your students are submitting pieces of work that are not text- or essay-based (such as posters or videos).

Blackboard also has a Test tool which can be used for both formative and summative assessments. This is the primary software used for FBMH exams. Many question types are automatically graded but you can also create questions which require manual grading. Students see their results and feedback via their view of the Gradebook.

Cadmus logo

Cadmus streamlines the entire assessment process, from designing assessments to releasing grades and feedback. It also provides valuable insights into student engagement throughout the duration of an assignment.

We are currently working alongside school Assessment and Progression staff to identify FAQs and short format guides.

Alternatively, get in touch with the team and we will be happy to advise. 

Gradescope logo

Gradescope is an online tool, accessed via Blackboard, that is particularly useful for instructors marking handwritten work. It allows for efficient scanning of paper-based assignments, and offers handwritten text recognition and automated AI-assisted marking.

This tool is not extensively used in the FBMH but we do have self-led online training available.

View our self-led training

LAMS logo for Team Based Learning

LAMS (Learning Activity Management System) is an online authoring and learning environment specifically focused on supporting active and collaborative learning. It is a standalone system external to Blackboard. Within the Faculty, LAMS is most commonly used in the creation and delivery of Team-Based Learning (TBL). However, the wide variety of learning activities that LAMS offers means that the environment can support a diverse range of pedagogies.

Further information on LAMS

peerScholar logo

peerScholar is a customisable peer assessment tool available via Blackboard that helps develop your students’ critical and creative thinking skills. Students can submit work as a group or as individuals, and follow a peer assessment process which facilitates peer evaluation (qualitative feedback) and peer scoring.

We are currently working on our documentation for this tool but can provide support and training if you are interested.

View the FSE Teaching College’s overview of this tool.

Turnitin logo

TurnItIn is a third-party tool, accessed via Blackboard that combines assignment submission, plagiarism detection (via an Internet-based-similarity detection service) and online marking. It also includes the option to create peer review assignments, but we would recommend using PeerScholar as an alternative for this.

View our self-led online training on TurnItIn

Collaboration and Discussion

Blackboard logo

Blackboard is the Central Learning Environment currently used across the University. It has its own Discussion Board tool that allows students to collaborate with their peers and teaching staff through posting or answering questions.

View our self-led online training for the Blackboard Discussion Board

Mentimeter logo

Mentimeter is a browser-based presentation tool that allows you to create and deliver dynamic interactive presentations, polls and surveys. It enables you to assess student learning in real-time and monitor levels of engagement.

View our self-led online training for Mentimeter

Nearpod logo

Nearpod is a cross-platform, device-agnostic, and user-friendly way to engage your students with interactive activities, connect with them through collaborative discussions, and gain real-time insight into student learning through formative assessments.

View our self-led online training for Nearpod

Padlet Logo

Padlet is an online post-it wall. It allows students and educators to post their comments, questions, and resources in one place – thereby making interactions between student and educator far more engaging.

Licensing is overseen by the Humanities eLearning Team.

Piazza logo

Piazza is a collaboration tool that can be integrated into Blackboard. It incorporates a range of useful features, including polling. It follows a community-built wiki approach, encouraging collaborative interaction among students, and is an interesting alternative to the native discussion board tool in Blackboard.

Piazza is not extensively used in the FBMH but we do have guidance available on our website.

VoiceThread logo

VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slideshow that can include text, images, documents, audio and video, and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments in several ways – using voice, text, audio or video. VoiceThread is integrated into Blackboard and multiple VoiceThreads can be created by staff or students, and be graded or un-graded.

View our self-led guidance

Content Creation
Articulate 360 logo

Articulate Rise is a cloud-based authoring tool that allows users to create responsive e-learning courses. It has a user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface, and supports some question types, including multiple choice, multiple response, fill-in-the-blank, and matching quizzes.

We currently have a very limited number of licences for Rise.

Contact us to find out more

iSpring logo

iSpring  is a PowerPoint-based authoring tool that allows users to create slide-based courses, quizzes, simulations, screencasts, video lectures, and other interactive learning materials. It allows for SCORM packages.

It also currently requires that staff work on a campus-based, University-managed machine. We have 19 concurrent licenses for iSpring but we are running an old version which will not be updated.

Contact us to find out more

PebblePad logo

PebblePad is a student-centered portfolio platform used for formative and summative reflection and competency evidencing.  Students can also be given an alumni account so they can take their portfolio with them after graduating. It is very useful for documenting evidence for future career paths.

View further information on Pebblepad

PowerPoint logo

PowerPoint is capable of doing far more than just creating slides. You can use it to create feature-rich interactive resources for your students. The link below will take you to training and information on how to turn your slides into an interactive resource that will enhance learning and understanding.

Interactive online resources with PowerPoint

Softchalk logo

SoftChalk is a desktop application used to create online lessons. It is particularly useful for text-heavy resources such as handbooks or workbooks. The lessons can contain videos, quiz questions, and activities such as labelling exercises and card sorting.

SoftChalk has its own cloud-based storage system and a grade centre which stores student progress. 

View our online self-led guidance on Softchalk


Camtasia and Snagit logo

Camtasia is an all-in-one screen recorder and video editor for both Windows and Mac users that supports interactivity such as adding quizzes and annotations to the timeline, creating animations, and developing a video table of contents. It also allows for audio editing.

It comes together with a screen capture tool called Snagit.

Visit our online self-led training on Camtasia and Snagit

PowerPoint logo

PowerPoint is capable of doing far more than just creating slides. You can use it to record videos of your lectures without relying on any online services. The link below will show you how to record narration over slides to produce a video lecture for your students.

Narrated PowerPoint lectures

Web Conferencing

Class Collaborate logo

Class Collaborate Ultra is a video conferencing tool available via Blackboard that allows you to deliver online lectures in real time, whilst recording them for students to review afterwards.

It is not heavily used in the FBMH, where Zoom and Microsoft Teams have become the norm.

MS Teams logo

Microsoft Teams has its own meetings and webinar tool that you can use for online lectures, tutorial meetings and other related online meet-ups.

The eLearning Team will help with queries on Teams but please note that there is a comprehensive central Sharepoint site where you can get all sorts of help regarding Microsoft 365.

Visit the Sharepoint site on MS Teams meetings

Zoom logo

Zoom is a University-supported online meetings tool which is overseen via Media Services, although we do have our own guidance that you can view via the first link below.

Support and training

We offer online self-led training and/or scheduled training sessions for most of the tools we support.