The following is a list of frequently asked questions at the School of Biological Sciences reception desk at Start of Year. Click a question to decide how to deal with the problem that a student is having.
I Cant See My Blackboard Courses: STUDENTS A Blackboard Course becomes visible to students 48 hours after registration is complete, assuming that the course is starting soon. Things to check are: If all of the above seems correct, get the student to submit an eLearning Enquire via please note that the eLearning Team do not have access to campus solutions and so cannot assist with Campus Solutions problems. However if the problem exists between Campus Solutions and Blackboard, they can help. I Cant See My Blackboard Courses: STAFF Staff members are given access to courses via Campus Solutions, once on CS they should see the course within 24 hours, please note that the eLearning Team do not have access to Campus Solutions. Things to check are: I have tried editing BB/ adding to BB and am unable to: STAFF This is highly likely to be down to the staff member not having “Edit Mode” in the top Right hand corner of Blackboard switched “on”. They should be advised to check to be sure that this is “on”. If it isn’t, they should submit an eLearning Enquiry here: New students can see last years documents, not my updated information: STAFF It is likely that the edits were made to the course in last years unit. The staff member should be advised to do one of the following: I cannot access my email: STUDENTS This is a problem with IT services. Student will need to contact the IT services desk either at the Kilburn Building or the Library (Main, Joule or Alan Gilbert Learning Commons). Blackboard is unavailable: STAFF AND STUDENTS In this case, it is likely that eLearning will have contacted the Student Support Office to provide assistance/information. Reports of “Blackboard is down” may be My Manchester or Blackboard: Can you log into Y/N : Can you log into Y/N : If neither service is down, then ask the user to wait 24 hours and if there is no change, they should submit an eLearning Enquiry here: I cant see the correct EDM day in Blackboard/ My EDM content isn't showing and my friends is/ I have changed EDMs and my course hasn't updated EDM groups are being set up by the eLearning Team until Rachel Birds returns. If a student needs to change groups they should alert the course coordinator who will then work with the eLearning Team to make sure that the student is placed in the correct and approved group. I received an email from Blackboard with course updates or due dates in the past and I am worried I have missed something! STUDENT When a student is registered onto a course the Blackboard system sends them an email of all the important things that have happened or which will happen in their courses. This can be distracting for students or cause them to worry, if a “Due date” is in the past. Past “due dates” are essentially what has been left over in the course by accident when the course was copied from a previous year and are nothing for a student to be concerned about. If the students don’t want to be emailed every single time a piece of Blackboard information is updated, then they can switch off the notifications on their own account by following the instructions here: feel free to share this link.