FBMH Canvas Central

What is FBMH Canvas Central?

Canvas Central is at the very heart of FBMH’s move to Canvas: a “Central” point where you can get face-to-face training, help and support with your work on Canvas.

Canvas Central will have an initial opening between the 7th and 25th of April (taking a hiatus in May while we all look after exams). During these dates in April, the FBMH eLearning Team will begin training our Unit Coordinators to start the creation of the 25-26 Semester 1 (not Full Year/Semester 2) courses. Training will happen in the mornings, but 3 afternoons per week will be set aside for all faculty to ask questions at our face-to-face drop-ins.

Once we reach June, Canvas Central will be a hive of activity as we create new courses, train all of our staff, and offer in-person support.

Keep this page bookmarked for our opening times, and look out for our signs and posters!

To learn more about your personal training offering, or to book training, go to our dedicated Canvas training page.


1.60-1.63 Stopford Building
(first floor over PC Cluster 1)

AccessAble Guidance for Stopford Building.

Drop-in Times

1pm – 3pm:

  • 07/04/25 Monday
  • 08/04/25 Tuesday
  • 10/04/25 Thursday
  • 14/04/25 Monday
  • 15/04/25 Tuesday
  • 17/04/25 Thusday
  • 22/04/25 Tuesday
  • 24/04/25 Thursday