- If a student enquiry needs to be submitted to the eLearning team (both Jamie Weston specifically and the team in general), this can be done by a staff member on the students behalf.
- You will need the students Username.
- Whilst logged into LANDesk to the left hand side of the screen click on ‘Create Request.’
- You will be directed to the request page, most of the sections should be highlighted in pink.
- Enter the students Username, wait a few moments and the name will appear, select the name and the top section’s details will appear for the student:
- Under Request Details add the following details:
- Service Request item: eLearning support for FBMH.
- Catalogue category and category should autofill.
- Category search does not need to be entered.
- Summary: A brief description of the issue.
- Description: Further details of what the issue is, what device they are using, browser, and any screen shots to aid investigation.
- Item specific questions, enter as appropriate.
- Scroll back to the top of the screen and click the save and close button.
- This will then be submitted to the eLearning support queue and the team can respond to the student direct.
SBS – How to Submit a LANDesk Ticket on Behalf of a Student