This guide covers:
- PAGE 1 Tracking scores with SoftChalk ScoreCenter (including date restrictions/ password protection) and SoftChalk lesson certificates
- PAGE 2 Tracking scores with Blackboard
Within this content, you will find links to the relevant learning material from SoftChalk’s eLearning video guides.
Tracking scores with SoftChalk
SoftChalk ScoreCenter
SoftChalk Cloud comes with its own grade centre called the ScoreCenter. This will track scores and attempts from quiz questions and activities. When lessons are added to a ScoreCenter, it enables students to save their answers and come back later using a unique identifier (e.g. their university username). You can also use the ScoreCenter to set date restrictions or password-protect your lesson.
It is recommended you watch the video linked below before following the written instructions.
- Video 8a SoftChalk Cloud ScoreCenter
This will walk you through creating a ScoreCenter, setting authentication rules, sharing results, adding lessons to be tracked and how to view scores
- Log into SoftChalk Cloud and go to ScoreCenter > My ScoreCenters
- Click ‘Create ScoreCenter’ on the right-hand side
- Give it a name and instructions under ‘Properties’
- Go to the authentication tab and set the authentication rules. Watch Video 8a above for a description of what the different types are. In this section, you can also add a password or date-restrict your lesson
- Go to the ‘tracked lessons’ tab and use the arrows to put your lesson into the right-hand box
- Click Create
- To test, use your distribution URL in a browser where you are not signed into SoftChalk cloud. You will see that the ScoreCenter has added a landing page that will ask for the authentication details you have put in

- Students must click ‘Finish’ on the last page of the lesson for their attempt to be logged in the ScoreCenter. You should try to make this clear at the start of the resource.
- It is advised that you test this by filling it in yourself and then viewing your grades in SoftChalk Cloud
- Click the grade book icon to view learner attempts, click the square icon for download options, and use the pencil button to edit

SoftChalk lesson certificates
SoftChalk also offers the option of lesson certificates. This is a form that students can fill in once they have finished working through the lesson and it will create a printable score summary or certificate of completion for the student. There is also an option to have these results emailed to the lesson owner, which may be good for tracking purposes if you have small groups. Students must complete the lesson in one sitting in order for the report to be accurate, so this may not be useful for longer lessons. You should consider one of the other tracking options if this is the case.
- To add this to your lesson, in the edit window click on Properties > Lesson Certificates
- This will open the ‘Lesson Certificates’ menu. Choose whether you would like students to be able to save a score summary or a certificate of completion.
- If you would like the results to be emailed to you, make sure to input your email address at the bottom. Students need to click ’email score’ for you to get this (see screenshot at the bottom of this page), – it is not automatic.

- To test this, upload your lesson to the cloud and view using the hyperlink. There will be a form to fill in at the end of the lesson. This will look slightly different depending on the settings you have chosen. An example of the ‘Score Summary’ form is below.