Adding a Web Link

Adding a Web Link to your Content Area is similar to adding an item. You select “Build Content”, then choose “Web Link” from the list.

Things to remember:

  • With a Web Link, the Name and URL are required fields.
  • You can add text and attach files, much like an Item.
  • You should keep the WEB LINK OPTIONS as the default: “Open in New Window”.
  • Leave the “This link is to a Tool Provider” option deselected (default).

Activity – Add a web link

  • Enter your content area and use “Build Content” > “Web Link”.
  • Add a name and the URL (web address).
  • Add some explanatory text.
  • Keep the other options on at their default setting.
  • Submit to save what you have done.
  • Now, check that the link works!

Adding a content folder

As mentioned earlier, using folders will help to present your content to students in a logical and uncluttered way. If your course is delivered on a weekly basis, you could create folders for each week and have the relevant content in the corresponding week.

To add a folder to your content area use “Build Content” and select “Content Folder”. As with the other types of content, the name is a required field.

Once you have created a folder, click on the name to enter it and start adding your content. We will cover this on the next page.

Things to remember:

It saves time if you create your folders before adding your content. That way, you can add Week 1 content directly into the Week 1 folder. If you add the content first, you will then have to move each piece of content individually to the relevant folder – a duplication of effort you will want to avoid!

Activity – Build a folder

  • In your content area, use “Build Content” to create a “Content Folder”.
  • Give your folder a name to indicate what would be inside it (Week 1/Lecture 1/Topic 1).
  • Put a description against your folder.
  • Set a date for when it will become available.

There may be times when you want to copy or move existing content into a different folder. This is where you can use the action link (down-facing arrow) against the content item to select edit options.

Here you can:

  • Edit
  • Make unavailable (i.e. hidden from student view)
  • Copy
  • Move
  • Delete
  • Set adaptive release settings such as dates.

In this case, you would select “Move”.

Action menu for items for editing

You then select “Browse” and choose the new location from the pop-up window that appears.

Choosing the new location for your file

Further help

You may find the following section on the Blackboard site helpful: Copy and move content.

Now that you have added a folder, we will go through the process of adding a file.